Changes to Visual Studio 2015 XAML debugging tools in RC

XAML Debugging Tools in Review In my last review of the new Visual Studio 2015 XAML debugging tools (xaml-debugging-tools-vs-snoop) I found a lot to like but a few key shortcomings compared to what has been available in Snoop. Now that the Release Candidate of Visual Studio 2015 has been released the tools are farther along and closer to what their final state will be at RTM. So how are things progressing?...

May 15, 2015 · 2 min · 423 words · John Bowen

Visual Studio 2015 XAML debugging tools from a Snoop perspective

*Update for new RC features: changes-to-visual-studio-2015-xaml-debugging-tools-in-rc Anyone who has done a significant amount of work in WPF is probably familiar with XAML debugging tools like Snoop. A few other tools have come along since with similar functionality that also works across different XAML platforms, but for WPF Snoop still packs a punch. Finally, after almost a decade, Visual Studio is getting the kind of visual tree debugging that’s been an essential part of XAML development (and it will work on all XAML platforms)....

March 29, 2015 · 5 min · 948 words · John Bowen